
Don't miss out! Get your tickets by Friday for the food count!

Join Ridgedale Athletic and Music Boosters and Ridgedale Elementary PTO for Bags, Boots, and Bingo on November 9th at Twenty-Three North! What exactly is Bags, Boots, and Bingo? It's a 21 and over purse bingo with a few twists fundraiser. The event is being held at Twenty-Three North (beside All Occasions) on Nov. 9th, with dinner being served at 6:00. Dinner will be pulled pork and pulled chicken, baked potatoes with fixings, and lemonade/tea. There will be other beverages available for purchase. Doors open at 5:00. Beginning at 6:30 we will be playing BINGO for prizes of purses (Coach, Kate Spade, Michael Kors) and gift certificates for boots/shoes (Scioto Shoe Mart). We will also have side games of 50/50 drawing, raffles for gift baskets, and a live auction for other items. Tickets are $50 per person or $350 for a table of 8. This will get you dinner and 10 games of BINGO. Tickets can be purchased online or by contacting Angie Murphy or Jessica Parthemore at 740-382-6065.