Good afternoon, Rocket families!
This is Erika Bower, Superintendent of Ridgedale Local Schools, where our mission is to empower students to reach their full potential while focusing on learning, safety, partnerships with our community, and fiscal responsibility. Our focus on safety this week is to remind our students to pause before they act and think before they speak. Thomas Browne said, “Think before you act. Think twice before you speak.” It is so important to think about the consequences of what we do and say!
Continue to keep in mind that our parking lots are an important part of our campus. Please drive slowly and cautiously at all times.
Tomorrow kicks off our 4th quarter! We want to encourage our students to finish strong! Remember, you can check your child’s grades at any time on PowerSchool.
The Jr/Sr High is hosting our next Career Cafe on Friday, March 24. Based on the YouScience aptitudes, our students had strong aptitude for education, so this week we will be hosting the education pathway. Students are invited based on their aptitudes, however, if we do not fill up, additional students are allowed to sign up. If this is of interest to your child, encourage them to sign up!
There is a prom meeting for all juniors and their parents/guardians on April 5 at 6pm in the school library.
The kindergarten registration expo is on April 4, from 4-7pm. If you haven’t registered your child yet, please call the elementary school to RSVP! There is a spring book fair family night scheduled for this day as well!
Preschool registration is still available for the 2023-24 school year. Information and applications are available on our website.
Mark your calendars for Friday, April 7 and Monday, April 10. There will be no school as we will be on spring break.
Ohio State Testing for students in grades 3 and up will be starting in April. Please check the district calendar for the dates that apply to your child.
Be sure to check our website or download the app to keep up to date with all news, athletics, and events!
Thank you for all you do for our students, our staff, and our community! Make it a great week, and Go, Rockets!